Social Media Dos and Don’ts

Social Media Dos and Don’ts

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Social Media can often seem a little overwhelming, especially when it comes to using it from a business perspective. With new social platforms popping up every few weeks and existing ones constantly evolving, it can start to feel like a minefield. That’s why this week on the blog I’ve decided to take a look at a some simple social media dos and don’ts.

DO – Post regularly. It’s important to keep your audience engaged with regular content on your social media channels. We generally aim for at least 1 post a day for business accounts. If you have enough interesting content to cover multiple posts a day then by all means go for it!

DONT – Use social media for a hard sell. Social media shouldn’t be used to push products and services onto potential customers. Use your social media channels to engage and inform users, with occasional drip drops of light sales posts. That said, there’s nothing wrong with trying to tie interesting content into products, e.g posting a tasty looking recipe which can be used with one of your products.

DO – Post varied, interesting content. Make sure you keep your content varied and fresh. Whether it’s industry news, relevant topics to strike a discussion, asking for feedback, or just funny pictures. Your posts don’t need to be complex, a quick picture can end up being incredibly engaging. If people get bored of your content they might be tempted to unfollow your page, make sure that doesn’t happen!

DONT – Leave questions waiting for a long time. If users ask your business a question about a product or service, try to get back to them as quick as possible. People love quick responses. If they’re left waiting they may lose confidence in your brand.

DO – Share content from other pages. Social media is all about sharing. Share other pages posts, retweet industry specialists and interesting news. The more content you share the more likely it is that others might share your content in the future.

DONT – Post identical content across multiple social networks where possible. Some social networks are better for different things. Obviously some posts will be relevant to multiple social networks, there’s nothing wrong with that. But try vary them up where possible, maybe by tweaking the content of the post slightly. Facebook is often more consumer focused, whereas LinkedIn is generally business to business – each platform has a different focus.

DO – Start discussions with people wherever possible. One of the best ways to make your social media pages feel more personal is to enter into discussions with other users. Whether it’s tweeting with bloggers, industry professionals or just potential customers – chat with everyone, build up relationships and add that personal touch to your brand.

DONT – Take yourself too seriously on social media. We’ve seen this one far too many times to count. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a bit of fun on social media. Not only does it make it feel as if your page is being run by a human rather than a robot, but it can often result in some of the most engaging content you’ll ever create. Your posts don’t have to all be about your business/industry, have a bit of fun from time to time, post about relevant topics, crack a joke every so often.

If you have any of your own important social media dos and don’ts be sure to leave them in the comments below. If you need anymore help with your social media please don’t hesitate to get in touch, even if it’s just for a chat!

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