A blog is a section on your website that’s regularly updated with news and interesting content. So many marketing professionals will throw around jargon buzzwords such as ‘inbound marketing’ or ‘content marketing strategies’, usually to the confused face of the every day business person.
The best type of visitor to your website is someone that is actually interested in what you have on offer and the information you have available to read. That’s what’s important, and a blog is a great way of attracting those types of visitors.
Here’s a few tips on how to write a blog:
- Get involved – Businesses are often successful because they are specialists within a particular field. ASOS and clothes, IMDB and movies, Spotify and music etc. It’s important that the content has substance and reflects your expertise. Use information from a number of staff members, getting their take on their specific area of expertise. If you have a content writer, don’t just let them get on with it. Offer pointers and direction to your writer, so they understand your expertise and what makes your business different. You want people to return to your website because they know they’re going to find something useful on your blog!
- Be current – There’s no point in writing about technology or information that’s old. It doesn’t give off a good impression. Visitors want to see the latest news and tips in your area of business, written with your own personal spin and opinion. Look around at what your competitors and industry publications are writing about, and try to better them!
- Think about the blog reader – It’s important you write content for the everyday website visitor and potential customer, not the content you want them to read. Stepping out of your own shoes and jumping into someone else’s, is really important when it comes to blog writing. Try and add something different to your blogs that inspires the reader to share with their friends. This could be unique content, images or videos.
- Call to action – A great way of preventing the blog reader from just entering your site and leaving forever, is to add a call to action at the bottom of the article. Think of it as a way of offering even MORE value to the user’s current experience, and enabling you to get something out of the blog as well. We recommend offering the reader a benefit for signing up to an E-Newsletter, as this opens up a new communication line between you and your potential customer.
Blogs can be a very powerful marketing tool. They’re essential for driving traffic and getting users to engage with your website. In this competitive online climate, if you haven’t started yet – get blogging!
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