The Importance of a Personal Touch

The Importance of a Personal Touch

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You may or may not believe in the old cliche ‘people buy from people’, but it’s very true in most business sectors (look at ebay!). If you analyse these sectors you’ll notice that successful companies use personality to drive sales in different ways. It’s really important that we embrace our personalities that make us different as human beings into our marketing messages, as it can add significant value. We’ve come up with some interesting ways on how you can personalise your marketing…

No Personal TouchPhotos – How often have you seen the same pretty american lady on more than one website, with both businesses passing it off as their own employee or client? People visit many different social media apps and websites every day, so chances are if you use a popular stock image it will crop up more than once. The danger of doing this is that it makes the business look cheap and lazy. They obviously haven’t spent the time to find an actual unique photo, so are they likely to spend as much time looking after their clients? It’s something that businesses often overlook, but unique and high quality photos give marketing materials a totally unique personality and improve the likeliness of a potential customer trusting the service or product on offer.

Creative Direction – It’s important now, more than ever, to stand out from the crowd online. The only way to truly do this is to sprinkle your own personality, interests and hobbies into your own marketing materials. Far too many businesses look at their competitors as the benchmark and try to imitate what they do. Brain storm all the things that you and your staff love, and work with your agency to build a brand around common creative themes, colours and interests. It’s then up to your creatives to bring this idea to life and fit it to your target market. Rather than follow trends, try to set them.

Marketing Personal Touch - ReviewsReviews – Customer reviews have become a small revelation of recent times when it comes to buying online, so you should always consider reviews for your website and other marketing materials. New and potential customers browsing your website for the first time, will need some kind of persuading that you’re a trustworthy & reputable outlet. Make a big deal about the nice things that customers say about you, and actively encourage them to do so.

Faces to names – This has more of an impact in B2B, but still has an impact in B2C as well, the use of applying a face & name to a business. Having images of the staff and owners of the business instantly increases the credibility and makes the marketing more accountable, giving it more weight to the potential customer. A local IT company would benefit by having nice images of their staff so customers can put names to a face, in a very similar way that Sainsbury’s have used David Beckham on TV adverts in 2012/13. We can relate to other people in the news and on TV, which means we can relate to how people interact with all types of businesses. The more you can showcase this in your marketing, the better.

Everyone has a different personality and various unique skills that make us who we are. To incorporate this into your marketing, when executed correctly, can have incredibly positive effects on your success.

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