Hi guys, and welcome to my first ever blog.. what?! I keep having pinch me moments about all the awesome things I’ve done since starting at Superfly back in February, and that includes writing a blog that will be visible online for loads of people to read!
My first few months here have involved a variety of experiences including on-site visits to potential client HQ’s, an escape room challenge for my first Superfly Social and recording a podcast for the first time ever with two of my new team mates!
I’ve also dedicated time to expanding my personal brand through networking on LinkedIn to help aid my development in the role – ‘cause let’s face it, Digital Marketing is basically ALL about communication! Thankfully, this is something I’m fairly confident with. Yes, I might not have all the answers immediately, but I’m comfortable asking the right questions and reaching out while growing a community of people in similar industries within the local area.
Until just a couple of years ago I didn’t even use LinkedIn, I created an account in 2021 and didn’t see the value of spending time on it as I wasn’t looking for a new job. I thought it was just for people to announce their job promotions or advertise for roles – and yes, of course it is for that too. Funnily enough I secured my last 2 roles with a huge helping hand from LinkedIn.
Step back to spring 2022 I was contacted by the MD of a local agency because they loved my energy and enthusiasm after posting some “day in the life” style content whilst looking for a new opportunity after redundancy. (I was living my best life, I can’t lie!)
But it’s not just for recruitment at all, (although I do still like to refer to it fondly as “Facebook for jobs”). You get to peek inside the lives of your peers – as well as your competition – on a professional and sometimes personal level too with a vast network of profiles at your fingertips. LinkedIn has become so much more than just jobs, it’s almost a lifestyle now for many people. Posting a selfie to LinkedIn with an insightful caption could hold far more value than the same selfie posted to Facebook for example.
In today’s competitive professional landscape, you have to show the “human” side of your brand in order to stand out from the crowd, which got me thinking about LinkedIn for business and how it has become such an integral tool for many companies.
It’s simple really. A business can establish their brand using the platform, which becomes easily recognisable, growing their credibility by showing snapshots of their team, activities and work spaces which in turn allows them to become approachable and organically interact with their network. In turn these simple interactions can potentially lead to future collaborations, job opportunities, or partnerships that can enhance your brand.. And all for free? A marketer’s dream I’d say!
I have thoroughly enjoyed growing my own personal brand the past few months, and by utilising LinkedIn as a tool to showcase my character it has enhanced my approachability when connecting with others too. So, if you’re wanting to create a brand for yourself, I encourage you to take the leap and just see what doors open for you too!