Online marketing checklist

Online marketing checklist

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The most brilliant part of marketing your business online is that you can engage with your specific target markets more effectively whilst also spending less money.

Can you target specific demographics including their film/music tastes with an article in the newspaper? With Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, you can. Here’s a quick checklist to make sure that you’re maximising these great cost effective online marketing tools.

  1. Website – Does your website give users a reason to revisit? Is it mobile/tablet optimised?
  2. Analytics – Do you have the ability to track and monitor your online marketing?
  3. Email – Do you have a good quality database that you can send regular updates to?
  4. Sales and CRM – Does your business have an effective online sales process?
  5. Blog –  Do you write a blog that is interesting and informative to your target market?
  6. Social Media – Is your business active on one of the many social media platforms out there?
  7. Visible on searches – Is your business available on online searches using relevant key words?

Let us know what you think to this list or if you would add anything else!

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