Technology in Marketing – Embracing Change Pt.2

Technology in Marketing – Embracing Change Pt.2

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There’s not many industries which rely on technology as much as the marketing industry. Less than 10 years ago social media wasn’t a thing, Youtube didn’t exist and the iPhone hadn’t been released. It’s safe to say marketing was a completely different beast back then. Because of this ever-evolving landscape we often come across businesses which are stuck in the past, reluctant to move away from what they know used to work when it comes to their marketing budgets. This mentality has to change.

Technology and marketing go hand in hand. As a business it’s absolutely crucial that you stay up to date with the latest advancements and the ‘next big thing’. You don’t necessarily need to use or delve head first into these new platforms, but it’s worth taking an interest and learning about them. For example – the boom of social media has created one of the most powerful advertising platforms we’ve ever had access to. With the ability to target your audience down to the most minute detail. Not only that but it’s incredibly scalable too from a budget perspective, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.

Back in 2007 we saw the release of the first iPhone. Whilst not the only smartphone on the market, it marked the beginning of the smartphone craze. These days it’s harder to find a feature phone than a smartphone! However, with the iPhone came apps. Apps are not only interesting from a business perspective because of their inclusion of advertisements, but also their use in general. We’ve seen multiple clients have their own apps created and have great success with them. Providing tools for users whilst linking it back to the business itself. These kind of apps help raise awareness of your business whilst giving the user something useful in return. And this only scratching the surface of how apps can benefit businesses.

These are just a couple of examples of how technology has changed the marketing world within the past few years. These new forms of digital marketing are completely scalable and easy to monitor, with stats provided in real time, making them incredibly powerful tools for businesses. We urge all businesses to embrace change, have a play around with it, test the waters and see what works for you. We’ve spoke to many marketing managers and decision makers who are scared to try these ‘new’ forms of marketing, yet will happily continue to throw very large sums of money at marketing options which offer very little to no forms of statistical monitoring.

Don’t fear these new marketing options, be excited by them. The digital future is only just beginning, and I’m sure there’ll be countless new forms of marketing available to businesses within the next 5-10 years and even beyond that. The marketing landscape we live in now is constantly evolving; staying ahead of the curve is the only way to stand out from the crowd.


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