Top 5 Social Media Apps for Android & iOS

Top 5 Social Media Apps for Android & iOS

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Usage of social media apps is constantly increasing. In fact these days more people seem to be accessing social media using their smartphones and tablets than on a desktop or laptop. It seems like every week there’s a new innovative app which taps into our social media networks. I’ve put together my top 5 social media apps for Android & iOS. So without further ado, here’s the list:

  • Timehop (Free) – You’ll probably have seen this one pop up on your social media feeds a lot recently. Timehop allows you to see exactly what you were posting on this exact day in history on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Ever wondered what you tweeted 4 years ago from this exact day? Timehop will let you know! The app has a nice colourful design and is incredibly simple to use. You can also share your memories with your family and friends via social media. Prepare to relive some embarrassing moments…
  • Facebook Messenger (Free) – This might seem like an odd one to include on the list, but I’m a big fan of the Facebook Messenger app. In fact I think the design and overall experience far exceeds Facebook’s own app. It’s one of the most modern feeling messenger apps I’ve used. If you’re using an Android device the ‘chatheads’ appear regardless of where you are on your phone, allowing you to still chat to your friends whilst browsing other apps.
  • Tweetbot (£2.99) – If you’re a heavy Twitter user then Tweetbot is a no brainer. Arguably better than Twitter’s official offering, Tweetbot is well regarded as being the best Twitter client available on iOS devices. Simply swipe left on a tweet to see more details, swipe pictures away to ‘throw’ them off the screen, and pull down on profile’s to see a profile header image. The app was recently completely re-designed from the ground up for iOS7. Well worth the £2.99 asking price. Not convinced? Take a look at their video here.
  • Talon (£1.19) – Android user who’s looking for a more advanced Twitter client? Look no further, Talon is absolutely awesome. The app design itself is incredibly slick – tap on a tweet to see more information, then swipe left to view a web link within the app or swipe right to see any conversation/replies from the tweet. Pictures are overlaid on the app when tapped, allowing you to zoom in and out for a closer look. The app is even gathering your tweets in the background, and offers the ability to ‘popup’ over the top of whatever you’re doing – this means that at a glance you can quickly check your tweets without being taken out of the app you’re already browsing, uber handy! Talon will set you back £1.19 but it’s worth every penny.
  • Flipboard (Free) – If you like the idea of having your own personal newspaper then this app’s for you. Flipboard allows you to plug in your social networks, and select your favourite publications, interests and sites, all of which is used to create a personal digital magazine/newspaper. Flipboard pulls in your social media feeds and displays content discussed, including images and actual web articles. It also displays the latest news from other sources, which you have full control over. After the quick initial setup you’ll be able to flip through pages of curated content like a real magazine. This app is particularly good on tablets.

What are your top 5 social media apps? Let us know in the comments below!

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